The Business Was Never Yours
One of the biggest shifts in mindset that transformed the way I run businesses was this, I don’t own anything.
Not my business.
Not my money.
Not even my time.
I know, it sounds crazy, right? The world teaches us that success is about ownership. You hustle, grind, build, and then say, “This is mine.” But in the Kingdom, business is never about ownership, it’s about stewardship.
God is the true owner. We’re just managers of the resources He places in our hands. The money in your account, the employees on your payroll, the opportunities that come your way, none of it is actually yours. It’s on loan from God, and He expects you to manage it wisely.
Once I understood this, it changed everything. It meant
I stopped making business decisions out of fear. If it’s God’s business, He’ll fund it.
I started handling money differently. It’s not mine to waste, but a tool to multiply.
I became more intentional about my time. Every hour is an investment, not just an expense.
The moment you shift from an owner’s mindset to a steward’s mindset, you’ll start seeing miracles in your business.
God Gives to Those Who Steward Well
The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30)
Jesus tells a story about a businessman who was going on a long journey. Before he left, he gave three of his servants different amounts of money (called “talents”).
One got five talents
One got two talents
One got one talent
The first two invested and multiplied what they were given. The third one buried it in the ground out of fear. When the master returned, he rewarded the first two with more, but took away everything from the one who did nothing with what he had.
Here’s the lesson: God doesn’t give more to people who waste what they already have.
If you’re praying for business expansion, but you’re not managing your current resources wisely, God won’t send an increase. He’s looking for faithful stewards, not reckless owners.
How to Steward Your Business God’s Way
If you want God to trust you with more, start managing what you already have with excellence and wisdom.
1. Steward Your Time Wisely
Every hour is an investment. Are you using it for productivity or distractions?
Time with God comes first. Are you seeking him?
Rest is part of stewardship. Burnout is a sign of poor time management, not hard work.
2. Steward Your Money Faithfully
Every dollar has a purpose. Are you spending recklessly or reinvesting wisely?
Tithing is part of stewardship. When you give to God first, you show Him you trust Him with your finances.
Avoid debt traps. The borrower is a slave to the lender (Proverbs 22:7), be wise about financial decisions.
3. Steward Your People
Your employees aren’t tools, they’re God’s children. Treat them with honor.
Pay fairly. A Kingdom business doesn’t exploit its workers.
Create a culture of growth. Help your team multiply their talents, just like in the parable.
The Reward of Good Stewardship
In the Parable of the Talents, the master told the faithful stewards:
"Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!" (Matthew 25:23, NIV)
This is Kingdom promotion. When you prove to God that you can handle what He has already given you, He will expand your influence, increase your resources, and open new doors.
If you’ve been feeling stuck in your business, ask yourself:
“Am I truly stewarding what God has given me, or am I just trying to own it?”
Because in the Kingdom of God, it’s not about what you have, it’s about how you handle it.
Thank you for joining us to build God’s way.
Bye for now…..